Welcome to Consent and Healthy Relationship Week!

Join us in celebrating Consent and Healthy Relationship Week, a time dedicated to promoting the values of respect, communication, and mutual understanding in all types of relationships. Whether you're in a romantic relationship, a friendship, or navigating professional interactions, this week is all about fostering connections that are safe, supportive, and consensual.

What is Consent?
Consent is a mutual agreement between participants to engage in any activity. It must be:
  1. Freely Given: Consent should be given without pressure, manipulation, or under the influence of substances that impair judgment.
  2. Reversible: Anyone can change their mind at any time. Saying "yes" once doesn't mean you've agreed to everything in the future.
  3. Informed: Everyone involved should have a clear understanding of what they are consenting to. There shouldn't be any hidden agendas or withheld information.
  4. Enthusiastic: Consent should be given with eagerness and genuine interest, not as a result of obligation or fear.
  5. Specific: Agreeing to one thing doesn't mean agreeing to everything. Each new activity or situation requires its own consent.

Why Consent is Key to Healthy Relationships
Healthy relationships thrive on mutual respect and understanding. Consent is a vital component because it:
  1. Promotes Respect: Seeking consent shows that you respect the other person’s boundaries, opinions, and autonomy.
  2. Builds Trust: When consent is regularly communicated, it builds trust between individuals, fostering a stronger, more open relationship.
  3. Prevents Misunderstandings: Clear communication about consent helps prevent any assumptions or misinterpretations about what is acceptable.
  4. Empowers Individuals: By prioritising consent, individuals are empowered to assert their boundaries, ensuring their needs and desires are acknowledged.

Consent as a Pillar of Healthy Relationships
Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of mutual respect, trust, and communication. Consent plays an integral role in ensuring that all interactions are positive and consensual. During Consent and Healthy Relationship Week, take the time to reflect on how you practice consent and how you can promote it in your relationships. Remember, a healthy relationship starts with understanding and respecting each other’s boundaries.
"Let consent be Leicester's Love Language"

Join the Conversation
Follow us on social media and join the discussion using the hashtag #Consent&HealthyRelationshipWeek. Let's create a world where respect, trust, and mutual understanding are at the heart of every relationship.
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Events Schedule

Moving in Weekend 
πŸ“…Friday 20th & Saturday 21st
πŸ“ Oadby & Freemens
Law Fair
πŸ“… Monday 23rd September 2024
⏰ 9:30am to 11am & 1:30pm to 4pm

Sports Fair?
πŸ“…Wednesday 25th September 2024 

Student Support Services
πŸ“… Thursday 26th September 2024
πŸ“ Wellbeing Hub
⏰10am to 3pm

Brookfield Fair
πŸ“… Friday 27th September 2024
πŸ“ Brookfield Business School


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