Student Privacy Policy

The Student Support Services are part of the University of Leicester. The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for your information. The Data Protection Officer is: Liz Taoudi, University Of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE17RH. Tel: 0116 229 7945. Email:

This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information.

What information are we collecting?
The information provided is completely voluntary. All questions are optional, therefore it is your choice to decide what information is appropriate to provide.

Information which we may collect is as follows:
  • Your status (i.e. student or staff)
  • Your college/department
  • Your gender and age
  • How many incidents you would like to tell us about
  • The type of incident(s) (i.e. sexual harassment/ bullying/ hate crime)
  • When and where the incident(s) occurred
  • Whether you know the perpetrator of the incident(s) or not
  • Whether you would like to leave your email address for further contact or not
  • If you want to have further contact with the university, you will also supply your email address 
Why are we collecting your data?
There are two main reasons why the university may need to collect this data:
  • To be aware of any difficulties students may be experiencing at the University of Leicester and to log these incidents on a central system
  • To support the students (and any staff who may be supporting those students), on a one-to-one basis, who have experienced any unacceptable behaviour from others – only if the reporting students wish to be identified 
How will we use this data?
Whether the reporting person wants to be kept anonymous or not, we will keep the incident as a log on this centralised system for us to be aware of what students are experiencing. If the reporting person wishes to be identified, we will use their email address to get in contact with them and support them personally. The data will only be used according to the reporting persons wishes, unless there is a safeguarding breach and then some details may have to be shared (see the sharing your data section below).

What is the legal basis for processing this data?
We will process the data under the legal basis of explicit consent. Therefore, reporting individuals must have to consent to their data being used in the ways outlined in this notice for us to proceed.

If we are sharing your data with others, who are we sharing it with?

Your data will only be shared with designated members of the Student Support Service (linked for more information) as they will have access to the system. However, if there is a safeguarding concern for you or others based on the information provided on the form, we will have to share your information with our Designated Safeguarding Officer and possibly the Police. 

Staff Privacy Policy 

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team is part of the University of Leicester. The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for your information.
This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information.

What information are you collecting?
The information provided is completely voluntary. All questions are optional, therefore it is your choice to decide what information is appropriate to provide.

Information which we may collect is as follows:
• Your status (i.e. student, staff, visitor, contractor, general public)
• Your college/department
• How many incidents you would like to tell us about
• The type of incident(s) (i.e. sexual harassment/ bullying/ hate crime)
• When and where the incident(s) occurred
• Whether you know the perpetrator of the incident(s) or not
• Your gender identity, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability (all optional)
• Whether you would like to leave your email address for further contact or not
• If you want to have further contact with the university, you will also supply your email address

Why are you collecting my data?
There are two main reasons why the university may need to collect this data:
• To be aware of any difficulties any members of the university community may be experiencing at the University of Leicester and to log these incidents on a central system.
• To support all members of the university community on a one-to-one basis, who have experienced any unacceptable behaviour from others – only if the reporting individual wish to be identified.

How will you use this data?
Whether the reporting person wants to be kept anonymous or not, we will keep the incident as a log on this centralised system for us to be aware of what staff, visitors or contractors are experiencing.

If the reporting person is anonymous then the data will be used to inform the university’s understanding of instances of unacceptable behaviours by category e.g. bullying, harassment and/or discrimination to inform future initiatives, policies and support available.

If the reporting person wishes to be identified, we will use their email address to get in contact with them and support them personally. The data will only be used according to the reporting persons wishes, unless there is a safeguarding breach and then some details may have to be shared (see the sharing your data section below).

What is the legal basis for processing the data?
We will process the personal data under the legal basis of ‘compliance with a legal obligation’ stated in Part 11 Chapter 1 Art 149 paragraph 1 (a) and (c) of the Equality Act 2010 (Public Sector Equality Duty).
Where identifiable special category data is processed The University as data controller will rely in specific conditions stated in Art 9 of UK GDPR as follows:
Staff identifiable special category data will be processed under Art 9 2(b) of UK GDPR and Schedule 1 Part 1 Art 1 Paragraph 1(a) (b) of Data Protection Act 2018.(Conditions relating to employment) 
Students, visitors and members of the public identifiable special category data will be processed under Art 9 2 (g) of UK GDPR and Schedule 1 Part 2 paragraph 17 (1) and (2) of Data Protection Act 2018. (Substantial public interest condition such as counselling)

If you are sharing my data with others, who are you sharing it with?
Your data will only be shared with designated members of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team as they will have access to the system. However, if there is a safeguarding concern for you or others based on the information provided on the form, we will have to share your information with our Designated Safeguarding Officer and possibly the Police.

How long will you process the data for?
We retain employee data for 6 years from the end of employment as outlined in the University’s retention schedules.

What are my rights and how can I enforce them?
• Right to be informed
• Right of access
• Right of rectification
• Right to restrict processing

Please note some of these rights will only be applicable to reports that are identifiable. I.e. you left an email address to contact you.

How do I complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office?
The Information Commissioner can be contacted on:
Post: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF.
Tel: 0303 123 1113.
Email contact can be made by accessing : 

You can tell us what happened through this website