** Sensitive Topic** We are aware that sexual abuse, violence and harassment affect a significant amount of people and the impact is so great, in terms of; personal safety, physical and mental health and who we are. This can happen in any environment, including university. Standing Together is a University-wide programme improving well-being by tackling unacceptable behaviours and supporting students, and the wider University community, who are directly and indirectly affected. Standing Together has a clear mission to ensure students and staff are united in creating a campus culture of equality, diversity and inclusion. This is why Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week is so important for our mission to help raise awareness and increase prevention to ensure students and staff enjoy their time at the University of Leicester.
We can appreciate that this is a sensitive issue and are mindful to ensure you are well-informed and aware of the support available. If you feel impacted by any of the online communications during this awareness week, you can seek support from the Standing Together Team.
See below for information on What is sexual violence and abuse? And how to respond to a Disclosure?
Sexual Violence and Abuse Awareness Week
Standing Together will be active across the week on social media (X and Instagram) with a series of posts that will raise awareness, myth bust and signpost to support. Follow us on X Follow us on Instagram
Get Creative with Standing Together The Standing Together team will be in the Wellbeing Hub on Tuesday 6th February 2024. Grab yourself a brew and join us in the wellbeing hub to ignite your creative spark. Our dedicated team will be available for a friendly chat and offer a space for any questions you may have about our support or simply unwind and focus on self-care.
Date: 6th February 2024
Time: 11am-2pm
Location: Wellbeing Hub, 2nd Floor Percy Gee Building
What is Sexual violence, abuse and harassment?
Sexual violence and harassment include all unwanted sexual behaviours. This could include verbal comments, sharing sexual photos/information online, stalking, groping and inappropriate touching. These behaviours are usually categorised as sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape.
Sexual harassment is any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that you find offensive or which makes you feel distressed, intimidated or humiliated. Examples of this behaviour could include rude jokes, stalking/ following, or asking inappropriate questions.
The overall definition of Sexual Assault is an act of physical, psychological and emotional violation, in the form of a sexual act, inflicted upon someone without their consent. Examples of this behaviour could include touching, groping, and grinding.
Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of penetration (into the mouth, anus or vagina) carried out against a person without their consent. Consent needs to be ongoing and not forced on all parties. All genders can be raped and there is support available if this is something you have experienced.
All of these behaviours are equally unacceptable. If this happens to you, it’s important to remember it is not your fault. Responding to Sexual Violence Disclosures Sexual Health
The Haymarket Health Centre is a free and confidential NHS service which is open to patients across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The service offers contraception, testing and treatment for sexual infections, cervical screening and lifestyle information. It is open from 8.30am-6.30pm Monday to Friday and from 10am-4pm on Saturdays. They also offer a clinic for under 24’s on a Thursday between 1.30pm - 7pm.
For further information on local sexual health services please visit the Choices website.
The C- Card Scheme gives you quick and easy access to free condoms if you are under 24. Visit the linked website for details on how to register and to find out where your nearest distribution point is. If you are over 25, visit the NHS website.
The NHS website provides further information on sexual health as well as frequently asked questions.
Links and Resources. Internal Support:
If you are on campus, or in a University building and would like support, please contact our Security Service on 0116 252 2888 who are available all day, every day. If you are in need of urgent NHS Mental Health Support you should call the 24-hour Central Access Point on 0116 295 3060. If it’s a life-threatening emergency or you need immediate help, please call 999.
Students and staff can disclose an incident using the University’s Report and Support system -Report and Support . You can choose to do this anonymously or you can leave your email address to seek further support from Student Support.
Standing Together team is made up of specialist Case Workers who are trained in receiving disclosures and offering support. They are all also trained Sexual Violence Liaison Officers. The team can offer practical support and guidance in relation to unacceptable behaviours. Our work involves supporting students on a 1:1 basis, and providing holistic support options and referrals, where relevant. After an initial needs and risk assessment, we can provide students with options in relation to reporting and support – including those detailed above and below. We can also support students in accessing services and coordinating this. In order to access this support, please leave your contact email address when completing the online disclosure form. For more information, please visit the campaigns tab of this system.
Juniper Lodge (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) offers discrete medical, emotional, and practical support to anyone that has been subject to sexual assault. They can talk you through your options, including whether to report to the police or not. You do not have to report to the police if you contact the SARC but they can help you with this process if you want. They also offer examinations for forensic evidence depending on when the incident took place. Contact them on: 0116 273 3330 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. If you would like support in travelling to Juniper Lodge, call University security on 0116 252 2023.
Victim First is the local victim support service in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. They offer emotional support, practical support in terms of crime prevention and safety, Restorative Justice, signposting and advice. You can access support via their webchat option on their website, via their helpline – 0800 953 9595 and through face-to-face support in the community.
Jasmine House is a safe space where women and girls can access free and confidential services following any form of sexual violence either recently or in the past.
First Step is a free confidential service for male rape and sexual abuse survivors & their supporters living in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland to enable survivors to make the “First Step” towards feeling less isolated through increased personal power to make choices
VOICES is for survivors of sexual violence or abuse and it stands for Valuing Our Individual Communities Experience and Skills. It was set up in 2022 to support the work of a partnership of agencies called Response to Sexual Violence (R2SV), which includes the Police, Crown Prosecution Service and community agencies that support survivors. If you would like to know more information - contact: voices@victimfirst.org
Freeva provides coordinated sexual and domestic violence services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland for any male or female over the age of 13. You do not need to report to the police to access this service. Call 0808 80 200 28. 8am – 8pm, Monday to Saturday.
Survivors UK offers a helpline and online advice for male survivors of sexual assault and rape.
Galop provides emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people. They are able to give independent advice to those who have experienced sexual assault, violence or abuse. Call 0800 999 5428 10am-5pm, Monday to Friday (open until 8pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays).
For further information, self-help tools and to find support outside of Leicestershire please visit the Rape Crisis website.
Qwell- Online support service offering online support as well as 1-1 chat-based counselling with a qualified counsellor. Counsellors are available from 12noon to 10pm on weekdays and 6pm to 10pm at weekends, every day of the year on a drop-in basis. No referral is required- please visit their website to register.
Togetherall- a free online mental health support community, available 24/7. Access a variety of courses and resources to help manage mental health. The platform is run by trained professionals and allows users to share anonymously and receive support from others. No referral is required- please visit their website to register.