Students and staff at the University of Leicester are Standing Together to create an inclusive, respectful and safe campus for working, learning and studying.

Standing Together is a University-wide initiative improving wellbeing through tackling unacceptable behaviours and supporting students, and the wider University community, who are directly and indirectly affected. Standing Together engages all areas of the University including academic departments, Accommodation, the Students' Union, Security, Sports and Active Life, and, importantly, students.

We want all students to feel safe, happy and respected and we are here to provide support for when that doesn’t happen. Please submit your information on this disclosure system to let us know if you’ve witnessed or experienced something that distresses or concerns you. 

The Standing Together team is made up of Case Workers who are trained in receiving disclosures and offering support. All Case Workers are trained Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (training by Lime Culture), and are also able to support students who have been subjected to any form of unacceptable behaviour. We also have close links with the Centre for Hate Studies in the School of Criminology.

Please also see our interactive leaflet for further information about our role. 
Meet the Team

Liz Jennings (she/her) - Wellbeing Case Manager and Standing Together Lead

Odette Haye (she/her) - Standing Together Case Worker

Lauren Deacon (she/her)- Standing Together Case Worker 

Sukriti Agnihotri (she/her) - Standing Together Case Worker

For more information about Standing Together, follow us on Twitter (@UniOfLeics_ST), or email us on

You can tell us what happened through this website