What is Stalking?

Stalking is defined as persistent and unwanted attention by any person including; partner, family member or stranger. This can result in the victim experiencing; alarm, distress, fear and significantly impact their quality of life. To be defined as stalking, the behaviour needs to be seen as; fixated, obsessive, unwanted and repeated. In terms of the repetition, it includes two or more incidents that is either directed at the victim or via third party, which results in the victim feeling; alarm, distress and fearful. 

Stalking behaviours can include; 
 - Phone calls
 - Messages
 - Malicious communications
 - Threatening behaviour
 - Surveillance
 - Loitering outside of workplace, home or education setting
 - Unwanted gifts
 - Tracking
 - Property damage 
 - Hacking electronic devices. 

Stalking tactics are diverse and utilise both online and offline methods, which is known as ‘cyber-stalking’. Usually, the campaign of stalking builds up over a period of time and some tactics can be hidden or minimised. Usually perpetrators tactics will focus on; surveillance, interference, life invasion and/or intimidation towards the victim. 

Impact of Stalking:

The impact of stalking varies and depends on; the relationship between the victim and the stalker, types of stalking behaviour experienced and the victims’ own experiences. Although, it is seen in research that stalker can impact all areas of a victims’ life.
The Impacts of Stalking

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