All current University of Leicester students agree to abide by the University's regulations when they register as a student each academic year. Senate Regulations 11 covers all Non- Academic Misconduct. If a student breaches these regulations it is possible that they can be investigated and sanctioned (depending on the outcome).
A detailed version of the regulations including the types of behaviours that are not acceptable and the process that the University will follow can be accessed through the Senate Regulation Pages.

We have provided a simplified version of the steps that you can experience through this process. It is important to note that every situation is different and additional steps may need to be included to ensure the wellbeing of any student going through this process (reporting and reported) is managed.
For more of an understanding you can speak with a case worker from Standing Together. To access this support you need to complete a named disclosure on Report and Support. It is important to note that Standing Together and the case workers are not apart of the Student Conduct team. The Standing Together Case Workers can support you through the formal reporting process.
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You can tell us what happened through this website