We encourage everyone across the institution to treat each other with respect and dignity. We know that there may be some occasions where unacceptable behaviour may occur involving a member of staff within the institution. It is important that all students know that support is available and the Standing Together team can guide you through making a formal report if this is what you want to do. 
It is also important to know that there are some situations that may be a safeguarding concern and so we may need to take some steps to prevent any further risk to others. If you are worried about this, you can speak to a Standing Together case worker who can give you more information. 

We have a process in the University in which students can make reports relating to any unacceptable behaviours from a member of staff.  To review the document in detail please refer to the word document attached below. The flow diagram below takes you through some of the keys steps in the process however this is not a comprehensive outline of the steps involved (see the Word document attached). 
It is important to note a couple things with this process: 
  • Managing any risk to a student, member of staff, others within the community and others outside of our community will always be a priority and risk assessing is done from the point of disclosure to the end of the process. 
  • If you make a formal report you will get updates from HR at key points through out the process, when there are updates. Due to confidentiality, you may not have detailed updates but this will be explained throughout. 
  • At the end of the process a student will not be informed of the outcome. 

You can tell us what happened through this website