If you are able to leave your contact email on this system, we will be better able to determine the most appropriate support for you, with you ultimately deciding for yourself how you would like to proceed. Submitting information on this system does not trigger a formal disciplinary process, or any other process.
Even if you are unable to complete the questions in this disclosure system, or access any other support, at this point in time, you can still access the support you need at a later date before you leave the University.
Once your disclosure is received, a Case Worker will get in touch with you to meet and discuss your options further in person or remotely. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions and will continue to receive support from the Case Worker you initially spoke to, until you feel you have received all the support you need.
Information about other reporting and support options can be found within the support section of the Studying at Leicester page and also on the Students’ Union Advice page.
The support we can offer is listed below:
The support we can offer is listed below:
- We can provide information about specialist support services both within and outside of the University.
- We can help you make contact with any support service you choose to engage with.
- If you want us to, we can communicate with your academic department on your behalf to discuss your situation and ensure you are receiving the best support possible from School.
- We can help find solutions to other problems or issues you may be experiencing in your everyday life, regardless of whether this is directly related to the incident you have disclosed.
For more general information, please contact the Standing Together team by emailing standingtogether@le.ac.uk.
Internal Support
Internal Support
Student Support Services (University):
Standing Together team: Offers practical support and guidance in relation to unacceptable behaviours. Our work involves supporting students on a 1:1 basis, and providing holistic support options and referrals, where relevant. After an initial needs and risk assessment, we can provide students with options in relation to reporting and support. We can also support students in accessing services and coordinating this. In order to access this support, please leave your contact email address when completing the online disclosure form.
- Student Wellbeing Service
- Self-refer to the Wellbeing service (including counselling)
- Disability Support
- Student Welfare Service (particularly for financial concerns, support for underrepresented groups, and general advice and signposting)
For more information about University and Students’ Union support, please visit: www.le.ac.uk/wellbeing