Q: What is Report + Support?

A: Report + Support is a secure and confidential online platform to disclose any incident of unacceptable behaviour.  Students and staff can use the tool to disclose an incident, whether it took place on campus, off-campus or online.  

You are able to let us know about the incident(s) or behaviour(s) in one of 2 ways, either anonymously or by leaving your contact details. You will be asked for your choice at the end of the process. There are 15 short, multiple choice questions on this system. 

If you choose to disclose anonymously we will not be able to offer direct support or begin any formal processes.

If you let us know about something and leave your contact details, depending on whether you are a student or staff, you may be contacted by a member of the team from Student Support Services and/or a Dignity and Respect Contact (EDI Team) to discuss your options for further support

Q: If I submit a disclosure on Report + Support, will it automatically trigger a formal process?

A: No. Report + Support is a confidential online platform designed to help guide you through your options and has two options for confidential disclosure.  

If you’re 18 or over, your report will not automatically be shared with the police or formally investigated by the university.  

Our trained case workers will help guide you through both your reporting and support options and support you throughout, whatever your decision.   

Or you can disclose incidents anonymously. No direct action will be taken by the university as a result of the anonymous disclosure; however, it will feed into our data and trend analysis.  

Q: Who can make a disclosure?

University of Leicester students and staff are able to make a disclosure through Report + Support. 

A:  What should I do if someone tells me something has happened to them?

We know it can be difficult when someone shares sensitive information with you. We have some further information of how you can support within our resources page. Link 

Q: My friend has been assaulted- what should I do?

A: In the first instance, you can contact the  emergency services by dialling 999. You can also contact our security team on 0116 252 2023 if you’re on campus. 

The University of Leicester also utilise the SafeZone  app which is a safety application made available to all staff and students. The app allows you to alert University Security via your mobile phone if you ever need urgent assistance or first aid, or if you have an emergency while on campus. Use the link above to access more information and download the app.

You can also encourage your friend to disclose this incident via the disclosure form, or make a disclosure on their behalf. 

You can learn more about supporting a friend within this guide. 

Q: Will my academic department be aware that I have made a disclosure?

A: The disclosures made on the system are treated confidentially, however case workers may discuss or share information, on a need-to-know basis, in order to be able to offer and provide support both internally and externally.

They may discuss or share information in relation to specific concerns they may have about information disclosed that could indicate imminent or potential risk both internally and/or externally.


Q:  I need mitigating circumstances, is this something that you can help with?

A: The Standing Together team are able to support mitigating circumstance requests for students that they are supporting. There are particular circumstances in which supporting evidence is not required, this includes if you’ve  have been affected by sexual violence. 

Please visit the mitigating circumstance page for further guidance and information.


Q: If I tell you what’s been happening will I be required to report to the police or to the university?

A: If you make a named report, you will ordinarily have control over whether or not you report the matter to the police or to the university. There are however certain limited circumstances when the university would contact the police and/or investigate the matter; this will ultimately depend on what information is disclosed. 


Q: What if there is a language barrier?

A: Within your appointment your case worker will explore your needs and identify whether there are any adjustments required to ensure you’re able to get the most out of your meeting. This may include having a friend present to support you throughout the meeting. 

We will always follow up our appointments with an email confirming what was discussed as well as further support information. This will provide you with an opportunity to clarify any information and ask any further questions. 

Q:  I want to speak with someone who I identify with. Can I request this?

A: We have a diverse team of case workers, therefore if you have a demographic preference we will try our best to accommodate this request. 


Q: What happens if I want to make an anonymous disclosure?

A: The disclosure will be viewed by a system administrator. As the disclosure is anonymous, we will not be able to identify who has completed the form and therefore cannot reach out and provide support.

Any information disclosed will be used for trend analysis and inform proactive prevention.

Q: What happens if I leave my contact details?

If you would like to receive support or consider informal or formal options to address a concern, then please leave your contact details within the form. The Standing Together team will then be able to make contact with you to arrange an appointment to explore your options and discuss next steps. 

Q: What can I expect from an appointment with the Standing Together team?

Within your appointment, a case worker will complete an initial needs and risk assessment and a brief account of your concern will be discussed. They will discuss the support available to you, from the University and external specialist services. They will also explain the reporting options available to you both within the University (where relevant) and externally.  Support will be offered regardless of whether you choose to make a formal report or not. 

If there are concerns about your safety, these will be considered carefully, and precautionary measures will be discussed with you.

Your case worker will follow up your meeting with an email confirming what was discussed as well as further support information.

A follow-up appointment will be made if required, and where agreed, your case worker will keep in touch to see how you are and to discuss any ongoing concerns or support you might need.

Q: What is the process to make a formal report?

A: To discuss your options in terms of reporting an incident formally, you will need to complete the disclosure form. If you leave your contact details the Standing Together team will make contact with you to arrange an appointment. Within this appointment, your case worker will guide you through the formal reporting process if this is appropriate and something you want to do. 

Please note that making a disclosure on Report + Support does not automatically result in formal action, but you will be provided with support and guidance to make a formal case if this is appropriate and you choose to.  For more information about what you can expect from the formal reporting process please see the Student Conduct Reporting process.

Q: How secure is the data and information sent through the system?

A: Data held on Report + Support is GDPR compliant and further information about how data is collected and stored is outlined in the Privacy Notice. The system has been security tested by both the developer, Culture Shift, and by the University of Leicester.  


Q:  How will we use this data?

Whether the reporting person wants to be kept anonymous or not, we will keep the incident as a log on this centralised system for us to be aware of what students are experiencing. If the reporting person wishes to be identified, we will use their email address to get in contact with them and support them personally. The data will only be used according to the reporting persons wishes, unless there is a safeguarding breach and then some details may have to be shared.


You can tell us what happened through this website